Monday 11 March 2013

Pull in the Best Crowds Using Text Message Marketing in Your Restaurant

When it comes to text message marketing for restaurants, there are a few tips and tricks to consider. Of course, a restaurant owner sees empty seats and their first thought is to send out a marketing message, get them filled right away! This is a good idea, however it needs to be streamlined a little. Let’s be honest, a Wednesday will never be a Friday – regardless of any last minute text message marketing efforts. The best way to approach implementing mobile marketing campaign is to work with the flow of business. First of all, do what people least expect, and offer deals for the weekend! You want your restaurant to be jam-packed. You may find that those who weren’t able to get a table will return during the week. Here are a few tips to get the most bang for your marketing buck using a text message marketing campaign:

First of all, run your promotion for a week straight. Not just a day or two. You don’t want to eliminate certain potential customers who may love to take advantage of your deal, but aren’t able to work it out in their schedule on a particular day. This way, you’ll get business from way more people in your marketing database than you would have otherwise, makes sense, right? Next, consider the people who respond to your marketing techniques loyal customers. Treat them with respect, and you’ll be sure to see them come in to dine with you again and again. How do you do this? Give them something. Reward them with a dessert on the house, or an unexpected taste of the new soup you just put on the menu. People will remember that you went the extra mile.

Think carefully about which items you place on special. You don’t want your restaurant to come off cheap, for example – don’t run deals on nachos or sliders if your restaurant is known for steak. Run a steak special! It’s important to highlight your best items. Not only are you showing off what you do best, your customers will have the most pleasant dining experience possible, hence guaranteeing a return visit.Consider this the promotion that keeps on giving, because you are building your brand after all!

Make your marketing campaign visible. Don’t just assume everybody is in the loop. Maximize those people who love instant gratification, and will text in for an immediate deal to hop on to your future marketing list. It doesn’t have to be done in a cheesy way, keep it classy with inserts for check presenters, or even an old school chalkboard note near the front door. The best thing to do over all of these tips is to pay attention to how people respond.

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